Monday, June 30, 2008

Sick of Bland Media News???

Are you sick of bland media news?

It's been said that every morning Rupert Murdoch sends an email distributed to each of his News Corp media outlets telling them what news to cover and from what angle so basically you only get to see what Rupert wants you to see and only from his point of view. Logically you could assume that all media industries work the same.

So I decided that I'd start my own news blog. I figured that if we can't really on the validity of a news story then I might as well put a humourous spin on it.

So check out News Free News where I re-write current news stories with a satirical point of view.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Check out is a revenue sharing content management website where you can submit your articles for other members to vote on. There are heaps of categories and it gets your blog seen. Before I was prepared to write about the site I registered and submitted a story from my blog and it was really easy. I’m really looking forward to see how other members vote on my story. So be sure to check out

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Is Homework Too Much

This is an arguement that crops up from time to time. Is homework detrimental to our kids or a value to their education?
I've always thought that for the teenage years that homework should be set because it's important for them to develop research skills and be able to work towards a deadline etc.
For younger kids I've always though some homework is OK in moderation but at times the schools seem to go a bit far for younger kids.
Take this as an example.
My 10 year old son currently has a homework assignment to do on top of his usual daily homework of maths and english. He was given two weeks to do the assignment and it is now due this Friday. The assignment is on the First Fleet and Australia's First Settlement: here are the 4 parts to the assignment:
1. Predict the cost os feeding the convicts on the voyage of the first fleet.
2. Draw an outline of Port Jackson and highlight the important features for the settlers.
3. Construct a model of the First Settlement.
4. Describe what the landscape would have been like for the first settlers.

Now Q4 is just some creative writing and Q2 is just a map, now worries. But the other 2 questions, considering NO supportive information has been provided by the teacher, are just too much. After some hours of searching I managed to find a sketch of the First Settlement and from that I have made a model - a challenge for me let alone a 10 year old, but Q1 has been rediculous. We've managed to find a list of the provisions taken with the first fleet but do you think I can find any information on the net stating the cost of food in the late 1700's or the amount of food given to each convict...ridiculous, and I've been spending hours and hours looking, how is a 10 year old expected to do this?

Have you signed on to PayPerPost

What an awesome concept, you enjoy blogging (and if you’re like me blogging has become somewhat addictive),every day you check the traffic to your blog and add another post or to, so why not get paid for doing what you love, why not sign onto payperpost
I first found out about payperpost by reading a post just like this on someone else’s blog, they claimed to have made $75 for just 5 posts so I checked it out. Once I saw that it was all legitimate I jumped on board immediately. Even though there are bloggers who have earned in excess of twenty thousand dollars through payperpost I’ll be happy if I can just cover the cost of my internet access. Being Australia it’s not cheap and I’m paying eighty dollars a month for 25Gb. So how easy is it really, well from what I can see it’s really easy. On the payperpost site they’ve got a fairly extensive list of offers with ranging payment amounts, you find one you like, write about it, and the money goes to your account, I can’t wait to get stuck into getting paid to do what I would be doing anyway, so be sure to check it out at payperpost

My 9th Painting

Here's number 9, once again feel free to comment.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My 8th Painting

The photo of this isn't the best. Once again please comment. Cheers, Alex.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My 7th Painting

I've decided that, considering the purpose of this blog is for me to invite comments from viewers on my painting and my progress as a painter that I will refrain from making any further comments about my own work from now on.
That said, here is my latest painting, please feel free to comment.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My 6th Painting

Not sure how I feel about this one. My inspiration felt somewhat deflated and by the end I was glad it was finished.

I made a few errors along the way as well and I think it shows in the finish painting.

Anyways, I guess it's all part of the learning process.

Alex's Art List

Do you have an art related blog?
Are you a painter, drawer, sculptor, tattooist or play-do fiscianado?
Well you might like to have a link to your blog added to http://
It's free, no obligation, all you have to do is 2 things:

1st: place a comment on http:// requesting that you be added including you URL

2nd: Place a link on your blog back to http://

That's it.

5th Painting finished

Thankyou to all those who commented on my painting. The generanl concensus seemed to be to leave it so I pretty much did except for the addition of a stick coming out of the water in the bottom left.
Everyones imput was much I can move on to the next on.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Concepts for a Better Tomorrow

Everyone MUST check this site out!!!!
If you have any interest in Virtual Volunteering, Building Robots or Electronics Projects........If your interested in getting together with like minded people to utilise the technology of today to make the world a better place for our kids then you need to check this sight out. Click on the links below:

linux consulting

robot kits

pic programming

virtual volunteer

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My 5th Painting in Progress

Here's the current painting I'm doing...kind of a continuation from the last. Though whilst the last one was following a tutorial this one is straight from my head.
Anyways, I'm not sure if I can call it done or if it needs a bit more. I'm thinking of adding some trees or something either side of the water fall and maybe some more rocks.
I also thought of a fallen log half in the water but I'm sure I heard somewhere that people don't like dead things in their paintings (or is that just animals), tell me what you think it needs (or doesn't need).

MS Paint Magic - I love this stuff!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Drawing Day 08 drawing

Well here's my contribution to Drawing Day 08, a really quick scetch I know but still within the boundaries of the concept.

It's an image I've had floating around in my head for last couple of days that I want to paint, so expect to see a painting that's something like this in the next week or so.


Drawing Day 08

I just came across this while surfing other's blogs, Drwaing Day 08, today 7th June 2008.
What a cool concept, the idea is for people all over the world to all draw on one day and then share their drawings online.
Coincidentally I had planned on doing a drawing today for the first time in years to prep for a painting I've got planned so I'll bit starting that in a minute.
Be sure to check out Drawing Day 08 here and be sure to get involved.

My Fourth Painting

OK so I took the plunge and converted to oil paints. I had been somewhat reluctant until now because the first time I tried oils about 20 years ago I could understand why the paint hadn't dried after three days.

Of course now I know it takes up to 2 weeks to dry.

Anyways, here's my fourth painting, or the next in my "learn to paint" series. I'm quite pleased with the results and I think it's definitely the best I've done so far. I would even go so far as to say I would be willing to accept an offer for this one should anyone want to buy it.

I chose this painting to do because it only uses three colours (white, brown and blue) so I figured it would keep my expenditure down.

I was happy enough with the result that I started another one the next day in the same style but this time painting an image from my head rather than following a tutorial. I've almost finished it and will have a pic posted in the next day or two.

Once again feel free to comment on my painting...cheers.