Sunday, June 8, 2008

My 5th Painting in Progress

Here's the current painting I'm doing...kind of a continuation from the last. Though whilst the last one was following a tutorial this one is straight from my head.
Anyways, I'm not sure if I can call it done or if it needs a bit more. I'm thinking of adding some trees or something either side of the water fall and maybe some more rocks.
I also thought of a fallen log half in the water but I'm sure I heard somewhere that people don't like dead things in their paintings (or is that just animals), tell me what you think it needs (or doesn't need).


Anonymous said...

Hey it looks great to me. I would call it quits. Good Luck...

Willy said...

Willy thinks it is good.

Put the paint down!

Call it good

10-4 Willy

Will said...

Interesting the general proposal of the painting. A metaphor of time, reflected in the image of subliminar hourglass outlined by the banks of water, and the flow of temporary process suggested by the small waterfall in the center. I also think it is good for the game dimensional planes in painting: a plane upward, the sky; another downward, the water. It remainds me the technique popularized by Salvador Dalí, the "critical paranoia" meaning the representation of an object by joining others, as well a dimensional game in one of his paintings "The crist of St. John of the cross" (El Cristo de San Juan de la Cruz). To me, it´s done. Great job!!!

Anonymous said...

Alexa, looks great! I wouldn't add too much more -- simple is good :)

Anonymous said...

... sorry, I meant Alex

Rebecca said...

Alex, I like it but I do think it needs a little more. Not sure if I'm using the correct wording here, but a painting should form somewhat of a story in the mind, say you had a lone fisherman on a boat out there in the middle of would give me something to reflect on. Well I know it's a landscape so that wouldn't work but just a little something? What are you thinking about as you paint this picture? That should give you an idea. I really like the perspective!

Anonymous said...

I like it as-is, Alex. The art is in your heart and fingers. Don't overthink it!

cruzinthegalaxie said...

I checked out your painting. Not sure what to tell you. I am of the concept, that if you tell people what the premise is then you ruin the feedback. So when I went to look at it, I was thinking ... ok is this done or not? So if you ask fresh people to look at it and don't prepare them in the same way, maybe you can get better feedback.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful painting, Alex! It does seem to me like it might be missing something by the waterfall, but then I also have to agree with the other Alex - I might not have thought so if you hadn't said so yourself! So do whatever you feel is better, I think it will be beautiful either way.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex - got ya message on SocialSpark - in my opinion - don't touch it! It's neither too raw nor overworked and the cascading light is perfect which I can imagine was difficult to maintain throughout the detailing of the work - I really like this and I don't usually like traditional works - so really really great mate!