Friday, July 11, 2008

My 10th Painting

As always, please comment.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alex - you obviously are learning (your 10th painting) - keep on going! You sent me a comment in early June on Blogger or - sorry for getting back so late! Have developed my blogs on myspace most (ande newest paintings). On my home page of click on the myspace adress and we can keep in contact that way! You've a nice blog! Jeannette Stgermain

Jeannette StG said...

Hi, you left a comment on blogger early June. Sorry to geet back so late. lateley I'm mostly on Myspace. To reach me easily is to go on my home page of my art website and click on the myspace adress.
Your 10th painting is obviously beter, so keep on painting!!! Nice blog too, jeannette stgermain